Teaching the Word, changing lives.

Infallible Word Ministries. Join our family.

Our statement of faith

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Our statement of faith

We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, was crucified, died, was buried, was resurrected, ascended into heaven, and is now seated at the right hand of God the Father and is true God and true man. We believe the Bible in its entirety to be the inspired Word of God and the infallible rule of faith and conduct. 
We believe in personal salvation of believers through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. We believe in sanctification through the Word of God and by the Holy Spirit, and we believe in personal holiness, purity of heart and life. We believe in divine healing, through faith in the Name of Jesus Christ, and that healing is included in the Redemption. 
We believe in water baptism, in the Baptism in the Holy Spirit as distinct from the New Birth, in speaking with tongues as the Spirit of God gives utterance (Acts 2:4), in the gifts of the Spirit, and the evidence of the fruit of the Spirit. We believe that all of these are available to believers. We believe in the Christian’s hope-the soon-coming, personal return of the Lord Jesus Christ. 


Sharing the unconditional love of God.


Our Vision

The mission of Infallible Word Ministries is to teach Christians worldwide who they are in Christ Jesus and how to live a victorious life in their covenant rights and privileges. The fulfillment of that mission takes place when those believers become rooted and grounded enough in God’s Word to reach out and teach others these same principles.


Our Vision

We are called to train them to become skillful in the word of righteousness, to stand firm in the spiritual warfare against the kingdom of darkness (Hebrews 5:12-14, Ephesians 6:10-18).  And to reach out to hurting humanity with provision for spirit, soul and body.


Our Vision

We are called to lead people, primarily born-again believers, to the place where they operate proficiently in the biblical principles of faith, love, healing, prosperity, redemption and righteousness, and to the place where they can share those principles with others. 


Our Vision

We are called to assist believers in becoming rooted, grounded and established in the Word of God by teaching them to give God’s Word first place in their lives (Colossians 1:23, Psalm 112). 
Join us and explore the Lord's wisdom with us. Many hearts united for one goal. 

Our Calling 

At Infallible Word Ministries, we take God’s Word as final authority. Our focus and vision is to preach, and teach the uncompromising truth of God’s Word and God’s unconditional love to all with integrity. We are committed to teaching you the Word of God with simplicity and understanding, and how to apply the Word to your everyday life. Equipping you and teaching you how to live victoriously—so that you are rooted and grounded enough to overcome your own adversity, reach out to others and do the work of the ministry as you share those same principles. We endeavor to bring believers from the milk to the meat of the Word, and into full maturity in their walk with God. We are all about teaching the Word, loving people and changing lives.
By Rosemary Okolo July 3, 2021
Romans 12:2 "Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God's will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in His eyes". The human soul refers to the mind, will and the emotions, at salvation the Holy Spirit indwells in our spirit man, who we must allow to rule our mind. The mind is indeed a powerful organ as everything received from the spirit must first pass through the mind for analysis and when accepted, then it's actioned. This is why nothing becomes a reality until the mind is able to accommodate it, and before your mouth can speak, the issue must have been settled in the mind. The bible says we can only truly be transformed from the old sinful nature by the renewal of our mind with the written word of God. And effectively set the boundaries that govern our life based on the word of God not by the ideas and opinions of men. Only by this that we are able to daily discern that acceptable, good and perfect will of the father. God Bless You
By Infallible Word Ministries August 19, 2020
Have you ever asked yourself the question why God created you and why you are alive today? You see, until you know the answer to this question, you may never find real fulfillment in life no matter what you do. The Word of God says concerning you: “ Before I shaped you in the womb, I knew all about you. Before you saw the light of day, I had holy plans for you: A prophet to the nations that’s what I had in mind for you.” Jeremiah 1:5 (The message Bible translation) You weren’t born into the world by mistake. No, you were not a mistake. God had a plan and a purpose for your life. You were placed on the earth for a PURPOSE! A number of people, teenagers and youth have recognised their purpose on earth and are walking in it, while quite a number haven’t. Sadly, some have quit and have given up, while some are still trying to find their purpose. Purpose has been defined as the reason for which something exists, is done, made or used. Someone defined it as the original intent for the creation of a thing that was in the mind of the creator of the thing. That it is the ‘why’ for a thing. Do you know your purpose in God? It has been said that the wealthiest place on earth is the cemetery. Why? Because, people die and are buried with their purpose, gifting, talents, and all the great ideas, inventions and creativity that man could ever know; all never achieved or fulfilled. You are not too young to know or seek the purpose of God for your life. God is not a respecter of persons. It doesn’t matter how old you are now, you can still know the purpose of God for your life. The teenage and youth years should be a good time to begin to seek after God’s purpose for your life. Seek the Lord now while you are still young and strong. God is willing to reveal it to you, so you may walk in it. Every Blessing!
By PAR002_123 March 12, 2019
Friend, God loves you! He loves you beyond your wildest thoughts and imaginations. He loves you far beyond your human comprehension. He loves you with an everlasting love. You see, His love has no boundaries, transcends and, cuts across race, colour, culture, age, sex and so much more. He loves you with an unconditional love. How do I know these? Because, the Bible tells me so. “For God so loved the world that, He sent His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16 NKJV) Make the right choice today. Reach out to Jesus right now, and get into a personal relationship with God. He wants to love you even more and show you His great salvation through His Son Jesus.
By PAR002_123 March 12, 2019
Stop living up to what your circumstances say you are, who people say you are and by who you think you are, that you really are not. You are an original and not a counterfeit. You are blessed. A success and not a failure. You are wonderfully and beautifully made by God. Yes, you are a virtuous woman and you are validated by God! This is what God says concerning you: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you [and approved of you as My chosen instrument], And before you were born I consecrated you [to Myself as My own]; I have appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5 Let nothing stop you from fulfilling God’s plan and purpose for your life and from becoming your very best! You are who God says you are, you have what God says you have and you can do what God says you can do! Keep your focus on these, believe every word God says concerning you and walk in this truth. Then and only then, would you become your very best and change the world, as you make a difference and be the difference! It is my prayer that, as you read this blog, you will begin to gain an understanding of who God created you to be and who you truly are in Christ Jesus, and know that, you are very significant in His great plan and purpose for your Generation! Connect with us. Be a part of the validated woman! Sign up and let’s do great things for the Lord!
By PAR002_123 March 12, 2019
“I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in the present age but also in the one to come. And God placed all things under His feet and appointed Him to be head over everything for the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills everything in every way.” (Ephesians1: 18-23 NIV) Child of God, the Church of Jesus is supposed to be the most powerful institution in the world. In Christ, you arson anointed, the burden removing, yoke destroying power of God resides on the inside of you and you are more powerful than you could ever imagine. The Grace of God abounds towards you, the Blessing of the Lord is upon your life, that empowerment to prosper, you have a goodly inheritance, you are sons and daughters of the most High God, you are the Body of Christ and that same power that rose Jesus from the dead is at work in you! We are sat with Christ Jesus in the heavenly realm. (Ephesians 2:6) It is God’s plan and desire that we reign in this earth, over sickness and diseases, over our circumstances, over poverty and lack and over the works of enemy. Jesus has given us the authority and dominion to reign. The Bible says that whatever we bind on earth shall be bounding heaven and whatsoever we loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. In other words, its whatsoever we allow that heaven will allow. He says that whatever we lay our hands to do shall prosper. (Matthew 16:19) but guess what? The devil does not like this and will do anything and everything to stop you. To stop you from living in the grace of God and in the perfect will of God! He will continue to do whatever it takes to stop you no matter how long it takes him to accomplish it. We are to enforce this authority that Christ Jesus has given us here on earth as His Body and become all that He created us to become, and accomplish all that He has called us to accomplish here on earth even before the foundation of the earth. Child of God, there is greatness inside of you, we are complete in Him. Every blessing!

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