By Infallible Word Ministries
August 19, 2020
Have you ever asked yourself the question why God created you and why you are alive today? You see, until you know the answer to this question, you may never find real fulfillment in life no matter what you do. The Word of God says concerning you: “ Before I shaped you in the womb, I knew all about you. Before you saw the light of day, I had holy plans for you: A prophet to the nations that’s what I had in mind for you.” Jeremiah 1:5 (The message Bible translation) You weren’t born into the world by mistake. No, you were not a mistake. God had a plan and a purpose for your life. You were placed on the earth for a PURPOSE! A number of people, teenagers and youth have recognised their purpose on earth and are walking in it, while quite a number haven’t. Sadly, some have quit and have given up, while some are still trying to find their purpose. Purpose has been defined as the reason for which something exists, is done, made or used. Someone defined it as the original intent for the creation of a thing that was in the mind of the creator of the thing. That it is the ‘why’ for a thing. Do you know your purpose in God? It has been said that the wealthiest place on earth is the cemetery. Why? Because, people die and are buried with their purpose, gifting, talents, and all the great ideas, inventions and creativity that man could ever know; all never achieved or fulfilled. You are not too young to know or seek the purpose of God for your life. God is not a respecter of persons. It doesn’t matter how old you are now, you can still know the purpose of God for your life. The teenage and youth years should be a good time to begin to seek after God’s purpose for your life. Seek the Lord now while you are still young and strong. God is willing to reveal it to you, so you may walk in it. Every Blessing!